I have started this blog many times now, and just can't seem to be consistent. But it's time to try again. New events in my life have forced me to reflect again, and I find the need to share, reach out, and look for a new network of friends, support, as well as re-connect with the old network of friends and support.
I have recently been diagnosed with diabetes, adult onset, or type 2. I have been dealing with Multiple Sclerosis since 2000. Along with the M.S. has come Fibromyalgia, chronic pain issues, chronic depression, hormone deficiency... Losses to include job, income, friends, mobility, independence, home, sex life, body, image...need I continue? Am I bitter...not really, not anymore. I try to deal with each day as it comes, greeting each morning as a new opportunity to 'turn my life around', start a new project, get dressed, shower, get out of bed, or sometimes just get to the bathroom by myself. Every night, regardless of the success or failures of the day I try to find something positive, something I accomplished, however small it may be.
I recently started the new M.S, drug, a pill, (no more nightly shots!) and would like to document how it's been for me....the side effects can be severe...but fleeting, and then return. I have had to teach myself how to deal and manage my diabetes, regardless of being a nurse. I didn't treat anything chronic. I dealt with the acute, trauma, not one patient for more than 12 hours, except for the "frequent flyers". I have been out of nursing school for over 25 years, I don't remember those dietary care plans. Help was hard to come by for me, I can't imagine the new diabetic in my shoes without the medical background.
I am trying to start my own small business selling the jewelry I create, and hopefully do some long-arm quilting as well. Lofty goals, considering, but I can't just continue to sit and stare the rest of my life. I love all things crafty, and have done just about everything a little. I had to settle on just a few crafts to continue and let the rest be things I used to do. Just about a year ago we moved into the first rental we've lived in for over 20 years. I thought this would be so temporary that I have been living out of some boxes, living among a lot of boxes, not really unpacking, and still not able to find most things I go looking for. I still have at least one box of clothes, all my dresses and skirts, that I have been unable to find. Although I swear I have been into every box at least 3 times.
I love to share/exchange craft projects, decorating ideas, recipes, information, knowledge. Stories of children, grand-children, pets, husbands, and families. Good, bad or nightmares. I would like to invite you to come along for the ride, encourage your comments, welcome your help.
Please explore this journey with me, and be patient...after all I am beginning again!
Spoiler Alert: tomorrow I will begin to chronicle my events with the new M.S. drug, Tckfidera, and it's wonderful (ha) side effects. I'm not sure, but I think I'm on to something.......
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