Fall is my favorite time of the year, but, I have been falling down a lot lately... weak... double vision...?another relapse.....
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, I love seeing the little kids dressed up in costume, so excited, haunted houses, scary movies....
Relapses don't usually scare me, I've had far too many for that. So when my doctor and I decided it was a relapse, I knew the next step would be a two day course of steroids. YUK!!!!
I had the infusions 10 days ago, and all went as usual until a week ago when I had one of my famous 'steroid flashes' (similar to a hot flash, but 10 times worse!) along with some dizziness, nausea,.... the inability to stand on my own...
Now I was scared.
Today I am up, and starting to walk a little. I can get to the bathroom by myself, (I can't believe I said that) and, as I gain more strength, I can sit up in bed to work on a simple project. So, my daughter and I decided to re-organize the craft boxes full of beads by re-stringing them so they can hang on pegs. As we watched movies and gorged on Halloween candy one thought of clarity came to me: once my shop opens, I want to make some jewelry designs to be sold specifically with the profits going to the M.S. society. Maybe someday we can benefit from research, or get the word out about M.S. like it is for breast cancer. It would be great if more people really knew what it's like to live with M.S. I am going to do my best to share my experiences with M.S. as well as my jewelry, and I hope to have enough followers to make a difference!
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