I recently received an e-mail from a clothing company I frequently purchase from. The title of this e-mail touted the 'perfect fitting dress'. Not only was this dress obviously not the perfect fit for me, it was ugly and low-cut. A few days later another company sent me an e-mail about 'the best fitting jeans'. I knew enough to not bother even looking. Nor do I even consider anything rated 'one size fits all'. Over the weekend I was admitted to the hospital for a procedure. In my past life as an RN, I constantly joked that the gowns are "one size fits nobody". I guess I did that to get a laugh from nervous patients. Now forced to be a patient myself I realize my corny joke was the truth. But before I had to walk down the hallway with back end hanging out, the staff produced a gown that not only fit, but was comfortably big.
At least the hosptials have caught on to the 'one size' dilemma. Maybe one of these days the clothing companies will get on the band wagon. Plus size women need to wear clothes, and we want to look hip and chic in the latest styles. A lot of us don't find the mumu's flattering, and they don't fit well either!
I just want to know who this 'one size', 'perfect fit' person is, and see her closet, because it must be jammed full of clothes.